For the last five years Connor Bainbridge, GBR 17, has benefitted from sponsorship for Ezzy Sails through the strong support of the team at SeaSprite Sports and has been putting their sails to good use across the UK for his freestyle and wave riding. As Connor is spending more time training and racing with the Olympic Transition and National Youth Squads his time on the water has become dominated by a focus on race and speed and for the 2011 season he will be dedicating free weekends to the growing UK Slalom discipline. In order to get the best possible race performance in the slalom events Connor is pleased to announce that he will be moving to Simmer for 2011 for all his sails. Connor will continue to benefit from the support of SeaSprite Sports for his world class RRD X-Fire boards, as used with great success by Finian Maynard in last year’s PWA Slalom tour.
Connor had this to say about his move to Simmer: “I have had a great time on Ezzy sails but I decided that this year I wanted to compete in the UKWA Slalom series and I desperately needed to have some dedicated race sails to allow me to be competitive. I was really lucky as Farrell O’Shea stepped in to help me with his brilliant Simmer Sails and now I am super excited about competing and can’t wait to put my new Simmer SCR slalom sails and my RRD X-Fires through their paces. I think I now have a best kit combo I could have hoped for, so it’s down to me to prove to Simmer and RRD that they have made the right choice in supporting me”.
Connor is also a team rider for Juice Boardsports and Big Salty.
More on Simmer at www.simmerstyle.com