Top coach Jem Hall put RRD’s new Fire Move through its paces this winter in Cape Town as part of his work in their research and development division and is now proud to announce its release. The FireMove now completes the whole family of RRD’s new ‘FIRE’ range and is placed between the highly acclaimed FSW and the FireRide, classic freeride. It is the closest freemove board to a pure freestyle-wave and incorporates a lively feeling with great speed and top end control, and the gybing sensation of a much smaller board. A wide body planshape allows for a better earlier planing capacity by keeping a relatively short compact shape, and with the boards reduced thickness throughout you get a looser carving feel.
They are available in both an X-Tech and the lighter Limited Edition constructions. The boards are 236cm long to ensure their compact and fun feel with volumes of 100, 110 and 120L, though their virtual volumes will be up to 8 litres above this. They have respective widths of 69, 75cm and 80cm and come equipped with MFC Liquid Pro fins in Powerboxes.
The perfect board for those looking for fun in lighter winds and choppy waters without sacrificing early planing and manoeuvrability, it will definitely put the Fire back into your sailing.
More details on www.robertoriccidesigns.com – the FireMove is available now from your nearest legendary RRD dealer, check out seaspritesports.com/dealers.php for your list of retailers.