Adam Sims, winner of the first FreestyleXpression contest of 2011, reports from last weekend’s event in Essex…

The run up to the weekend was a hype of excitement as people sent out texts left right and centre trying to work out what the exact plan was. The call went out on Wednesday and the final call on Thursday evening. Point Clear, Essex it was to be.
We rocked up at 11/12 am on the Saturday and were competing by 1pm. Heat one got underway, Max Rowe, Oscar Carmichael, Ben Lee and Steve Thorne threw down their best moves to make it through to the final. Oscar Carmichael and Max Rowe sealed the deal with consistent high level moves.
In the Second heat, myself and John Palmer managed to storm through with a few safe moves each and then some of the new skool moves just to be sure.
The final got underway. I didn’t see too much of the others sailing as I was fully focused on landing my own moves, but every time I looked up everyone was landing every move they went for. Oscar even stepped it up and very nearly got a culo and a double spock. Funnels, punetas, spocks, switch konos, shakas, ponchs, forwards, air funnels, air bobs, flakas, air flakas and more were all laid down in the final. I had no idea who had taken it when we came into the beach and was super happy to hear I had won. Palmer had taken second and Max Rowe in third.
The following day we visited Marconi’s, an awesome low tide spot. With some great stunt ramps in the middle. Videos and photos were taken but we decided not to go ahead with a double elimination.
It was a great event and the format works extremely well, bring on the next one!
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