National Windsurfing Week, it must be time for Jim Collis to visit Notts County. For a change he brought wind, but it was a cold early May day with a definite chill in the northerly wind. Northerly is however a good direction for Notts County as it comes straight down the lake and is often accelerated by the hill opposite.

The day started with a look at equipment, fins, rigs and boards, and continued with an on the water video session, which gave a good excuse for a long warm up over lunch in the clubhouse whilst Jim pointed out how to improve from the video. Ready and warm everyone went out for a final session, some for linger than others due to the temperature, and put what they learnt into practise whilst Jim went round individuals with on water hints and tips.

After the final debrief everyone went home, with things to think about, but everyone felt they had not only improved but learnt something new during the day – mission accomplished Jim!
www.nationalwindsurfingweek.org / www.windsurfevolution.co.uk / www.ncsc.org.uk