Ex Neilson Dahab centre manager, the ever-popular Sam Ross has been in touch to let us know how ‘life after Egypt’ is treating him…
“After 8 years of working overseas for Neilson I thought moving back to the UK would mean hanging up my harness and doing less on the water. However I’ve moved back to the UK to get more involved with windsurfing than ever before.
“I’m now spending part of my year helping develop youth and adult windsurfing and sailing participation as part of the RYA OnBoard scheme www.ruob.co.uk . The rest of the time I running instructor training as well as windsurfing courses and clinics all around the UK. I’ve already been up to Astbury Sailsports , across to Hove Lagoon, down at 2XS as well as the Watersports academy in Poole and the OTC down in Weymouth. Over the next few months I’ll be doing regular sessions at Bray Lake Watersports as well the above and many other locations.
“Whilst I’m loving the UK scene and it’s variety, having started the last week coaching zone squad racers, then onto first time kids, then being towed behind a wakeboard cable until eventually going onto some carve gybe tuition and then an instructor course, I’ll still be getting my overseas fix this year.
“I’ve stayed teamed up with Neilson and Tushingham to offer a series of overseas clinics in Dahab and Turkey aimed at a variety of levels.
“To back it all up and make sure I can stay in touch with as many people as possible Tilt from Brighton have put me together a website www.sam-ross.co.uk. I has all my latest news, courses and clinics but more importantly a technique and resources section to help you out whether it’s a prompt on your next move or you need ideas as an instructor.
“If you see me down on your local beach, come give me a shout. let’s hope it’s a windy summer!”
Facebook: samrosswindsurfing
Twitter: @samrosswindsurf