There’s nothing better to inspire your windsurfing than sitting back and relaxing in front of a classic, action packed DVD. Four Dimensions is just one of these DVDs, from 2007 and the product of the late Andre Paskowski, it is a must watch for any windsurfer.

“Four Dimensions is the video of the moment.
“It’s an action movie coming off the back of Samba, 2 for Ten and Mistral’s Committed:Reloaded. The brainchild of Andre Paskowski (PWA freestyle sailor and the movies producer) and Editor / Director Peter Svensson, it’s arguably the most hotly anticipated windsurfing film since The Windsurfing Movie in 2007.
“Dedicating a section to each of the four Fanatic / North riders Victor Fernandez, Gollito Estredo, Andre Paskowski and Marcillio Browne, the movie takes in numerous locations including Gran Canaria, Egypt, Maui and Brazil, as one by one the sailors rip at their favoured breaks.”