Boards brings you an update on the UKWA freestyle tour, from organizer Trevor Funnell.

You may have heard that Windfest Re-tuned at Pylewell has been just been cancelled, this means we have had to find a new venue for Tour Event 5 at short notice.
Simon Bassett at 2XS has very kindly agreed to accommodate us at West Wittering but we have had to change the dates to 22/23 September to fit in with the tides.
Simon assures me that the famous “Wittering Trench” should be working and will provide perfect flat water freestyle conditions for our first time at this new venue.
Unfortunately there is no camping or overnight parking allowed on site but there is ample accommodation available in the area, go to and click on “Club” then “WWWC Information” for details.
As usual registration will be from 09.00 – 10.00 on Saturday 22nd with a first possible start of 11.00. We are also hoping to organise some sort of social for Saturday evening and further details on that will be available soon.
If you have any questions you can call me anytime on 07764-578648.
Regards, Trevor.