Trevor Funnell has announced results for the Poole Windfest Event and the Overall 2011 Freestyle Tour. The full results will be up on the UKWA website – www.ukwindsurfing.com – in the next couple of days.
Poole Windfest Event Results Overall Tour Results
Pro Mens Fleet. Pro Mens Fleet
1st Max Rowe 1st Adam Sims
2nd Andy Chambers 2nd Andy Chambers
3rd Adam Sims 3rd Max Rowe
Ladies Fleet Ladies Fleet
1st Chloe Goodyear 1st Chloe Goodyear
2nd Emily Hall 2nd Emily Hall
3rd Julia Slack 3rd Julia Slack
Amateur Fleet Amateur Fleet
1st Ollie Acton 1st Nick Bentley
2nd Nick Bentley 2nd Ollie Acton
3rd John Yeomans 3rd Richard Van Aken
Under 20’s Fleet Under 20’s Fleet
1st Alex Mitchell 1st Alex Mitchell
2nd William White 2nd Sam Conroy
3rd Charles Wilson 3rd William White
Under 17’s Fleet Under 17’s Fleet
1st Nic Hibdige 1st Oscar Carmichael
2nd Ollie Bradley baker 2nd Nik Hibdige
3rd Jamie Howard 3rd Ollie Bradley baker
Under 15’s Fleet Under 15’s Fleet
1st Ike Bradley Baker 1st Ike Bradley Baker
2nd Harry Davis 2nd Harry Davis
3rd Finn Howard