W4CR’s Sunrise Sunset 2011 event is this Sunday, May 1st at 40 venues round the UK and 5 abroad. Not only is the numbers of venues a record, but already the number of entrants exceeds 2010. There’s two big records still to be set – Windsurfing4CancerResearch founder, the late David Tuttlebee, himself a cancer sufferer wanted there to be a special happening – 1000 on the water at noon supporting W4CR.
And of course W4CR’s aims are to raise as much money as possible to help fight cancer. Can last year’s £60,000 record be broken?

These records won’t come easy – we need lots more windsurfers to join at a venue on Sunday (venues on www.w4cr.org), grab a free sail streamer and be one of the 1000.
The sponsorship money raised will help W4CR pass on large donations to worthy cancer causes. Fundraising in tough times is hard, but it’s very worthwhile and donors can give via W4CR’s website, entrants’ JustGiving pages, or by Sponsor Forms (available via W4CR’s website or from the host person at venues).
And a further incentive – those who raise over £150 by June 30th will have their names put in a draw for a Neil Pryde RS One kit worth £2,500.

Although there are no requirements about challenges or even time on the water, windsurfers are taking on amazing personal and team challenges on the day.
- Damian Murray’s challenge is to stay on the water at Datchet “for as long as my body holds out. Last year I managed 10.5 hours! Can I better it? Sponsor me and find out”.
- Peter George at Watergrove hopes to complete a cross channel distance of 21 miles in a single session to raise funds in memory of a good friend.
- At Llandegfedd, they’re organising a race the length of the London Marathon.
- And Plymouth based windsurfers are aiming to windsurf around the Port of Plymouth perimeter – a total of 46 miles.
So Sunrise Sunset 2011 is going to be quite a day. Weather forecasts look promising, there’s lots of fun events planned too. All are welcome to join the effort, have fun, and raise as much as possibly help fight cancer.