Simon Bornhoft breaks key transitions down into component parts to dramatically speed up the understanding, training time and probability of actually MAKING YOUR MOVES! Photos: Karen Bornhoft / WindWise
In windsurfing we talk in terms of weeks, months or years trying to learn something, but in fact it’s so often only seconds spent on the important part of our objectives.
As you might know, my coaching ethos is to break windsurfing down into achievable, transferable multi-level skills that link together to increase the prospects of actually learning something. Out of the many thousands I’ve coached, those who mix their precious sailing time with skills training always make the quickest progress. So this is how you actually learn something! Rather than just gybing and practicing common mistakes, genuinely try these WindWise skills and drills and I can guarantee you’ll make your moves!
Who’s it for?
First time or frustrated veteran gybers in non-planing and planing situations on any volume board. So get out there and go through the run-by–run suggestions, one accentuated point at a time!
Skills & Drills
Session 1 – Upwind-Downwinders
Session 2 – Shift-&-Switching
Session 3 – Clew-First Beachstart
Session 4 – MAKE YOUR MOVE!