With deep winter on its way Simon Bornhoft looks at a fun, dynamic, body warming windsurfing exercise with great added value. Photos: Karen Bornhoft / WindWise
Considering the time of year I’ve decided to give you a fun, easy, rigorous winter warming exercise that will instantly improve your manoeuvrability, help your gybes and most definitely assist in riding swell or waves. Even if you’re at a non-planing improver / intermediate level you can still do this exercise – the only difference is that you can’t lean the body so acutely into the turns as you have less inertia and support from the rig. As ever, we’re going to break the move down into component parts and focus on proven methods that develop the muscle memory to MAKE YOUR MOVE. Accentuate and repeat each session, rather than just blast up and down all day. Finally, close observers will notice that the first three sessions link into previous Make Your Move features, such is the value and importance of these WindWise skills.
Session 1: Hook Out & Hold On
Session 2: Switch-Stance
Session 3: Clew-First Beachstart
Session 4: Extreme Flat Water Waveriding
Session 5: Strap-to-Strap Gybing