WAVE & FREESTYLE – Oct 21-27. RACING Oct 28 – 4 Nov.
The 2001 Funboard World Championships are to be held at Bloueberg Strand near
Capetown. After the wave/freestyle event, the fleet moves up country to Club
Mykonos, Langebaan, site of the 1995 very windy IFCA World Racing Championships.
There, competitors from the Formula Windsurfing Worlds will be joining the event.
South Africa is a great venue for a long winter away from cold Europe, and the
rate of exchange is very favourable!
For more details, contact the Organiser:
André de Wet
Powersport Productions
PO Box 849
Howard Place
Cape Town
South Africa
Tel: +27 82 955 3535
Fax: +44 709 236 2928