F2 makes your dreams come true!
Customize Your Board on www.cyb-f2.com
In early November the revolution in windsurfing is going online.
CYB and F2 offer you the exclusive tool to customize your 2007 F2 Guerilla board graphics, and personalize it as the one and only!
The first 20 orders will arrive under your X-Mas tree without any additional costs for air shipment delivery.
Choose from up to 40 different graphic designs out of the following graphic design range: TRIBAL, RETRO, PIN-UP, FLAGS, URBAN and NATURE
Check one example of each design category below:
Additionally you have the possibility to choose up to 4 different layers which can be dyed in 23 different colours and designed in 3 different textures.
An individually printed patch on the top graphics shows the user ID and the individual dedication.
With the individual board card you receive a 2-year guarantee, check the delivery status of your board and proves the identity of the board of your dreams.