MORENOTWINS.COM – THE TWINS’ HOME ON THE WEB, the twins’ website and meeting point on the web, created
by them and updated by them weekly has been launched today. After months of
testing with a Spanish only website, now fans and media worldwide can get a
closer look on what the twins are doing and what the twins are, like and dislike.
Through the website, fans a media can talk directly to the twins, ask them questions
on how to do tricks or jumps, on gear, travel, and all their favorite things.
The website contains photos, videos, adds and commercials that the twins have
done or are doing. There you will find the picture of the week, a forum where
to interact and ask things personally to the best female windsurfers ever. There
is also a section on news on other female top extreme sports athletes – Adelina
Taylor, Keala Kennelly, Marga Fullana -, all of them good friends of the twins.
On the website fans and media can check their calendar of events, their favorite
links, their sponsors and everything that has to do with the twins world.
With this project the twins disembark on full gear into the cyber world, and
if there success is just a tiny bit as good as it has been on the water, the
new web sensation it has just born. As Iballa says: "We are really anxious
to talk with our friend windsurfers and surfers all over the world, I have been
learning how to put pictures on the web, write news, gee I am half my day in
the water and half my day on the web, this is a project that we have wanted
to see on the air for so long, and we finally made it, we are online, you can
see my double loop there too, jejeje"
With weekly updates, a weekly photo, and all the news on what happens in the
world of windsurfing and on the twins world, the page is a must visit for any
windsurfer fan in the world. Even the ones that are not into windsurfing will
enjoy the website, as they will be able to see all
the lifestyle action from the twins, the twins partying, the Roxy photo shooting
pictures (bikini action in Fiji and the Canaries…) after all this site
is the twins’ life, in the water and in the world.
For info contact:
Xavi Bigorda ph. +1-858-336-0704 (USA)
Susana Vazquez ph. +34-93-423-2183 (Spain)