With less than a fortnight to go to the draw, 10 Golden Tickets have been minted ready to send to 10 lucky BOARDS subscribers. On 30 November it will be too late, so make sure you’re a current subscriber to be eligible for probably the greatest windsurfing prize ever assembled.
The finalists’ task will be to produce their very own one-minute movie, starring themselves windsurfing, and upload it to www.mpora.com/windsurfing – the winner will be decided by a team of oompa-loompas headed by our very own Whitey Wonka. Based on the number of views and overall impressions of the movie, they will decide who is most deserving of this awesome prize…
Forget the chocolate factory, our overall winner gets return tickets to Maui, accommodation at the Ka’anapali Beach Hotel, a full setup from Goya and Quatro, a hire car, a walk-on part in The Windsurfing Movie 2, and a party in their honour.
So get your subscription sorted, your footage ready, and good luck!