3 Great Specials
Don’t miss out on 3 Special weeks at Club Vassiliki this summer
24th August – Freestyle Week with Free clinics and competition to win Neil Pryde
7th Sept – Women’s Week 2 with British Star Lucy Horwood
21st Sept – Legend’s Week for the more mature windsurfer
Freestyle Week – Aug 24th
Benny Harrison, our Club Margarita manager and world cup freestyler is organising
a "Club Vass Amateur Freestyle" event for the week of August 24th.
Ben will be running specialist Freestyle clinics and judging the event himself
– he may well have to show us a few new moves too as our own Club Vass wildboys,
including Simon and Bubble are hot on his heals! Don’t miss this one and the
chance to win New Neil Pryde Sails.
Women’s Windsurfing Clinic’ Round 2′- Sept 7th
Another one for the girls…Our first women’s clinic went so well we’re doing
Whether you’re tired of being a windsurfing widow, stuck on a plateau or already
well on the way to being a hotshot, Club Vassiliki, on the beautiful island
of Lefkas, Greece is the place to head for this summer.
A special Women’s Windsurfing Clinic will be held at this legendary windsurfing
centre, from 7th – 14th Sept. Tuition will be provided by guest instructor,
Lucy Horwood, the current British National Champion and well known top International
racer, alongside Club Vass’s own top flight instructor Becky Ellis. With their
experience and understanding of how women learn best, they will be running dedicated
girls-only courses for all levels, from first steps to sailing in stronger winds,
(footstraps, harness, waterstart, carvegybe), freestyle and introduction to
racing. Special price of just £399.00 for this one so don’t hang around.
And don’t forget we have a nanny on board this season to look after the nippers!
Legend’s Week – Sept 21st
With the same thought in mind Jim Collis, our centre pro, has teamed up with
Abi, our resident masseuse and Yoga pro, for a "Legends" week, a special
course for those more mature windsurfers amongst us. Jim will be covering all
aspects of windsurfing with lots of on water coaching using the latest new lightweight
user friendly kit. He will also be looking at proven methods for pre sail stretching
and apres sail relaxing, with a little help from Abi’s magic hands! It has the
makings of a great week with a crowd of like minded people. The best time to
run such a week needs to be sometime in September when the August heat has lost
it’s ferocity so Sept 21st it is at a special price of just £349.00 for
the week.
All Specials include return Gatwick flights, transfers, accommodation, unlimited
use of windsurf kit, tuition, mountain biking and guiding.
For full details call the office on 01920 121 or visit www.clubvass.com