There’s a lot of post BWA words spinning around right now, but this update we spotted on Facebook from rookie amateur competitor, Matt Cude is one of the best little round ups we’ve seen.
Thinking about competing next year? Two words: Do. It.
“Timer set, red flag up, BAM hit the water…

“What an amazing day sailing again, masses to learn again… sweet! Hit the beach at 8am, wind and waves super light so I had the skippers meeting to brush up on how it all works, It was brought to us by Nigel Treacy with loads of good tips and what the judges are looking for.
“Good to see some old and new faces there… so down to the nitty gritty and after breakfast on board I grabbed the kit (86 litre and my 5m), looking like it was on the edge, for the 1st heat it was a good choice I think. Getting rigged up after climbing down the goat trail was a little dicey dudes!
“Then I checked the board to see what the order was…sorted, not late this time lol.
“Got to the waters edge and was relaxed chilled and loving the opportunity to catch a wave or two.
“Timer set, red flag up, bam hit the water and blasted out back, green flag up it’s go time! I went just the right distance and felt happy with the setup, gybed on a small wave and saw my line, wow, I looked back and saw it lifting. It’s a wave o.m.g it’s happening I’m there, wow, bottom turn not as tight as possible but still sent me up got to the lip, bam, back round (this was mecca for a moment I felt like a giant, amazing) but not content with that I thought what the hell, I’m on holiday let’s do another and again! I was a man possessed! So so stoked, so went back out and thought like that lets do it again, hooked dudes.
“I was feeling on top of the world, I came in arms in the air so happy: first good heat, first good wave and I was alive dudes.
“Thinking that was it as I was up against some quality sailors, I headed up the beach thinking mmmmm coffee, chill, freesail after, cool. But then Jules who was in my heat said good work man you got through “errr what, nah must of been pulling my leg” but got to the board and there it was my name, heat two, I shit you not. Feeling electric but hold on… I’m cream crackered!
“Right, water that’s all I had time for as there was a girls heat up then us again, The wind picked up and I was stacked on a 5 m but not too bad, plus the waves were harder to find. Will finish the rest off soon and thank you’s after grubb hungry mmmmm curry x