On Saturday the 15th of June across the country groups of people came together for the W4CR Sunrise to Sunset, to windsurf to raise money for cancer research. Here’s what happened at Siblyback lake in the South West of England:

“On Saturday 15 June windsurfers and sailors of all ages and abilities gathered at Siblyback Lake on Bodmin Moor braving the windy conditions to take part in a fundraising challenge to raise money for Cancer Research. Watersports for Cancer Research is part of a larger event across the UK to get as many windsurfers, sailors, kitesurfers, surfers and stand up paddles boarders on the water as possible.
Siblyback’s junior club all took part in the successful event including some parents. 30 windsurfers and dinghy sailors were on the water by 3pm with winds up 40mph making some really spectacular windsurfing and sailing. Everybody fell in at some point during the day but it all added to the fun.
David Tuttlebee, a windsurfer who was diagnosed with cancer, set up the Windsurfing for Cancer Research (W4CR) charity with a mission to increase awareness of cancer amongst the Watersports community and related activities in the UK and beyond. David’s cancer spread further, his condition deteriorated and sadly, he passed away in September 2010. This year the Charity re launched under the new name of ‘Watersports for Cancer Research’ in order to widen the range of activities and to provide charity to all forms of Water based activities.
Watersports Instructor Nick Craker who organised Siblyback’s event said, “It was great to see so many people out on the water of all different ages and abilities supporting this fantastic charity. This is the fourth year Siblyback has hosted the Watersports for cancer research event and it has continued to grow in popularity every year.”
Lots of donations were received and many more are still flooding in.”
Boards will have more about other W4CR events in the near future, did you run an event? If you did and would like to share your story please email to amy@boards.co.uk