want to bring a bit more windsurfing into your everyday life with their Windsurf Calendar…

Doesn’t matter if you put it in your office, living room, kitchen or wherever you want it, this calendar is made to make you horny getting back on the water asap, nothing else!
Some of the greatest shots of the year from the crème de la crème in windsurfing photography will be shown on 12 high quality sheets, in a format of 60 x 42cm, within this precious spiral-bound calendar.
These great shots show the whole beauty of windsurfing, every month you turn a page it will be a new experience. Wave, freestyle, freeride, sequences and cool design elements, a great mix of windsurfing!
Photographers: Darrel Wong, gfPictures, Jèrome Houyvet, John Carter, Kerstin Reiger, Sebastian Schöffel
Riders: Marcilio Browne, Kai Lenny, Kauli Seadi, Ricardo Campello, Robby Naish, Philip Köster, Nik Baker, Peter Garzke, Chris Pressler, Moritz Mauch, Alessio Stillrich, Daniell Bonhof, Fabian Weber – and – loads of style!
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