The brand new issue of BOARDS Magazine will be released on the 17th of October, just as the autumn swell and wind start to come through.
Subscribe here before the 10th of October, to have this issue delivered straight to your door.
You can buy this wave issue only, from the 17th, here.

Inside this issue:
6 Foreword
10 Contributors
12 Introduction with Jason Polakow
14 Gallery – This Is Wavesailing
Adrian Jones and his team of Clones investigate a new revolutionary waveboard from Fanatic that could change the boards we all ride and the brands answer many hard-hitting questions about three-batten sails. We also look at what you need to survive a European winter in comfort and delve into the quiver bags of some of the world’s best wavesailors.
28 Introduction by Klaas Voget
30 Fanatic Reveal A New Secret Mission EXCLUSIVE
36 Three Battens?
44 Winter Wetsuits – How to choose the best for you
46 Winter Essentials
50 Pro Quivers: Levi Siver, Dany Bruch, Ben Proffitt, Victor Fernandez and Alex Mussolini
It’s all about the best of the best here in the Green Room: what and who inspires the top pros?
62 The Ultimate Windsurfing Idol by Robby Swift, but who is yours?
70 JUMP! Indoor Windsurfing Through The Ages
76 Inside The Mind Of Thomas Traversa
We’ve got both ends of the spectrum covered in this issue, from pros travelling to unexplored lands and windsurfing ‘new’ waves, to tales from the road in Europe, the US and the UK. Whatever your budget and sense of adventure, we have something for you.
86 Introduction by Boujmaa Guilloul
88 Madagascar: An Adventure Outside of Time with Graham Ezzy
96 Taking On Surfer’s Waves – Indo and Oahu
106 Into The Desert – The Sultanate of Oman with Antoine Martin, Camille Juban and more
114 A Four Point Guide To Roadtripping with Leon Jamaer
120 Swedish Secrets with Klaas Voget
126 Real World Waves – One year in and around the UK
It’s all well and good being inspired, but it’s turning this inspiration into action that really matters. Here we aim to take your wavesailing to the next level, with the help of accomplished coaches, industry experts and knowledgeable professional riders.
136 Introduction with Marcilio ‘Brawzinho’ Browne
138 If You Can Do This… You Can Wavesail
142 Solid Oak – The Best of Tabletops
144 Forward vs Back – Which loop and why?
146 Understanding Waves
148 Finding Your Secret Spot
152 Break It Down – five vital wave skills explained
162 Travel Directory
172 More Than Windsurfing
176 Until Next Time
178 Make Waves